Bar Harbor to Orland

Finally, the day has arrived to start. We left the luxury of a motel room at 8 am and headed out. First stop was the beach at Bar Harbor where we dipped our tires and took a picture. We did take a picture of the six of us who did the Southern Tier in 2014. It has certainly been fun to see and ride with those folks again. The group is very experienced. All but two of the riders have done cross country adventures. Two of them have cycled from Alaska to Montana and one has cycled the length of South American. Rolling out of town we saw a WWII era B17 bomber at the airport. We got a tour around it but could not wait around long enough to see it fly. Tom and I got to cook tonight. Our Tortilla soup, salad and pound cake was pretty tasty I must admit. The ride was 44 miles and we went up about 2400 feet. The rolling hills were challenging, but the weather was perfect and it was a great day.