Camden to Bath, Maine It was a beautiful day on the road to. With the exception of a stiff headwind, it was an enjoyable 60 mile ride. The big event(s) of the day was the first, second and third flats of the group, all by Tom Nordland. He handled the adversity with grace and was no worse for the wear except for the need to hit a bike shop for spares when we got to town. Not a lot of photos today, except Tom changing tires. Rob is cooking for the group so I know that we will eat well. The pictures are: Tom changing a flat, Tom changing a flat again, Our arrival into Bath, Maine , Some of the scenery on the way to the campsite, The campsite tonight and My blog location tonight. So far, so good. We are all a little tired tonight. Big hills and headwinds will do that to you (and 50 lbs of gear on a bike)