Darien, GA

https://connect.garmin.com/modern/activity/2034790848?share_unique_id=112 I am afraid that I have not been doing a good job keeping up on the blog. I had a day of cooking, a ninty mile day and a visit from my lovely wife. All of which took time and energy. Since I last wrote, I have cycled through the lowlands of South Carolina and Georgia and visited the elegant southern city of Savanna. The cycling has been a little challenging. The infrastructure in South Carolina is not cycling friendly. The people are fine, but 4 lane roads, posted at 65 mph, with no shoulders are not a cyclists friend. Today we were in Georgia which was an improvement. I did see porpoises from a bridge in South Carolina on the way into Savanna, which was a treat. We did two walking tours of Savanna which were fantastic. One was on the general history of the city and the other one was on the civil war in the area. It is a lovely city where hist...