Exeter, NH to Littleton, MA


We had another interesting day in New England.   We cycled 61 miles and crossed into Massachusetts.   The rolling hills were populated by old farm houses and were beautiful to see from the seat of a bike.

As luck would have it, we missed a turn and ended up in downtown Derry,  NH.   If I remember correctly,  it was the site of several Steven King novels.  We ended up in old fashioned diner and had a wonderful "second breakfast."

Down the road several hours, I was swapping text messages with Julie.  We were at a stop eating and she made the mistake of asking what was for lunch.  I will post a picture  (not exactly health food).

Today was our 7th day in a row of cycling.   Tomorrow we head into Boston  (30 miles) and have a day off the bike on Wednesday.   I think all of my companions and certainly my backside are looking forward to that.


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