Trip Itinerary

Tomorrow we depart for another epic journey from Bar Harbor, Maine to Key West Florida.  This will be a 9 week, 3000 mile adventure across the Atlantic coast of America.  I say we, because on this trip I will be going with 6 people from my 2014 Southern Tier adventure and 2 friends from Wisconsin, Tom Nordland and Rob Knoelke along with the rest of the Adventure Cycling group of up to 15.  I am very excited to be able to cycle with such a fine group of folks.

I will be blogging on my old reliable Samsung Galaxy phone.  I apologize in advance for misspelled words, grammatical errors, multiple updates, blurry pictures and things that just don't seem to make a lot of sense.  I will periodically post this link on Facebook and occasionally send a link to this distribution list.  I hope to post daily at night, so if you want to follow along, you can check the link with your morning coffee.

It should be a very interesting tour.  We start in the shadow of beautiful Acadia National Park, continue though much of historical colonial America and ending at the southernmost point on the lower 48 states at Key West, Florida.  We hit some big cities along the way with layover day's in Boston, Washington, Philadelphia and many other interesting points as we head south.   We have lots of interesting historical sites along the way going through Hyde Park (FDR's home), Jamestown, lots of Civil War locations, Kitty Hawk, Charleston, Savannah

I will post segments of the routes as we go along.  If you want to see an overview, you can find that information at the following link

Please feel free to forward this blog to family and friends who like cycling, history or just want to follow along on what we hope is an epic journey.


  1. Dick,

    Another incredible journey. Good luck and we'll be riding with you every step of the way (minus the physical the effort). I can't wait to read your daily posts.

    Kevin & your team at Shakespeare


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