Waves, NC


Today was an interesting day.  It started with a visit to the historical site of the first aircraft flight by the Wright Brothers in 1903.  I have a picture of the distance of the first 4 flights on that day (the first marker is the staring point and subsequent markers were the distance of the next 4 flights).  What a remarkable achievement and beginning of an amazing development of flight in only 114 years.  It is hallowed ground.

On the road, we were contending with the aftermath of tropical storm Jose which was off the coast of North Carolina.   While we benefitted from a steady 30 mph tailwind,  we were hampered by rain and storm surge and high tide flooding the road.  If you look closely on one of the photos,  you can see some co-riders navigating the flooded road.

It was a short ride and we all survived the day.  The weather forecast for the next week is very favorable.  It will be nice to pedal the Outer Banks of North Carolina and have an ocean view.


  1. "First in Flight" to flooded roadways. What a day of contrasts!


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