Key Largo, FL

Whew.....what a day yesterday was.  We had nearly 100 miles to cycle.  Fifty of the miles were through cities..... Fort Lauderdale,  Miami Beach,  Miami.

We left at 6 AM, thinking that the streetlights in addition to our bike lights would allow us to survive until the sun rose at 7:30.  It had rained heavily before we left and was drizzling as we hit the road.  After a couple hundred if feet we realized that the streetlights were off.  As we later learned, the lights were off to allow the sea turtles to lay their eggs.  That made the first hour and a half very challenging.

We powered through the day with very few and very short breaks.  Most of the ride was urban.  We finally escaped the city at mile 70 and were on the road to the Key's through the Everglades.  We got rained on pretty hard on the way,  but we finally made it by about,  3 pm,  which was our best case pre-ride estimate.

I got a  couple of pictures of hurricane damage.  One is  mountain of storm debris in what used ro be a park.  The next couple of days should be interesting.   We have 100 miles of the next two  days to get to Key West.   The winds look favorable.   It should be a good ride.


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